Brand Promises for Healthier Homes: Allergy Standards Interview
It’s no secret that consumers are demanding products that are safer and healthier for themselves and their families. But many brands are capitalizing on this by making health claims that are scientifically unfounded. What separates the companies that are delivering on their brand promise from the ones that are not, and how can companies tighten their messaging to cut across the noise?
In this interview about the launch of the Sanitaire EON™ ALLERGEN, Courtney Sunna of Allergy Standards interviews Patrick Norris, Senior Marketing Specialist at Sanitaire Commercial, who manages product and brand strategy for the 60 year old brand that sets the standard in commercial cleaning products.
Read the full article at https://www.allergystandards.com/news_events/brand-promises-healthier-homes-interview-marketing-sanitaire/.
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